Immediate Priorities
Marilyn will work toward providing effective government and proactive solutions to the issues facing North Carolinians throughout our state. Those issues include: keeping North Carolina's economy strong, getting people back to work, returning control of our schools to parents, and repelling federal overreach.

Since taking office in 2021, the Biden Administration has governed over one of the worst national inflation crises in the last hundred years. Prices for food, gas, clothing, and other daily living essentials have skyrocketed, hurting everyday Americans. In North Carolina, we have seen these prices increase; however, because of economic policies instituted by the General Assembly, our economy is strong and thriving.
While serving in the North Carolina State House, I was committed to reducing regulations and government waste. We were successful creating surpluses for the state treasury and a positive business environment for our job providers. The proof of our success is the number of people leaving liberal cities and states and moving to North Carolina. As your Representative, I will continue to promote conservative economic policies that are businessfriendly keeping North Carolina's economy strong.

As a mother and grandmother, education is critically important to me. It is also the reason I got involved in politics. After an issue with our local school board in the 80s, I started to get more involved politically. What we teach our children will determine the trajectory of our nation. I support parents' right to choose the best education option for their family. Tax dollars should not be spent on teaching CRT in our public schools. Our schools need to focus on the basics and, as your next Representative, I will once again tackle these problems and return control of our schools to the parents.

Federal Overreach
From vaccine mandates to the federal takeover of our elections, the Biden Administration is hellbent on expanding the control and power the federal government exerts over our lives. If left unchecked, government overreach from Washington will erode our state's control over our own destiny and weaken the role of the General Assembly. We need to protect our elections from federal control to ensure our elections are free and fair and repeal all unconstitutional mandates from Washington. The only way to accomplish this is to regain a super majority in the State House. Our election is one of the few seats we can flip in 2022, regain the super majority, and make Roy Cooper a lame duck governor. I have been battle-tested and have a proven track record of success.